Urban Inflation In First Three Years Of Biden Administration Outstrips 12 Years From Reagan - Clinton
Urban consumer prices have risen faster in the first three years of the Biden Administration than they did from the end of the 1982 recession through July 1994, some 12 years according to statistics from the St. Louis Federal Reserve bank.
Nov 1982 to July 1994 50 Point CPI Hike … Jan 2021 to Mar 2024 50 Point CPI Hike
Following the difficult and inflation driven 1981-82 recession that saw painful consumer interest rate hikes well into then 20% range and in some cases above, it took nearly twelve full years for prices to rise as quickly as they have since January 2021.
Inflation sustained at these levels is damaging to every part of the economy in visible and invisible ways and as inflation continues to be more than 50% higher than the long term statutory target for the American economy we will continue to track this important story. Check back often for more analysis and news.
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