Q. How does the association decide on policies to work towards?
A. The Association has a three step process to determine if it can be effective in working towards policies that improve the ability of employers to offer career building opportunities in the diverse communities across the west. First, where can agreements potentially be reached to confront the challenges to better employment. Second, can the Association help set up a fair and open process to create policies that create sustainable opportunities. Third, what unique insight or expertise can our association or network of employers add to create an effective decision making process.
Q. How does the association operate?
A. The Association operates as a California corporation operating under the not for profit rules administered nationally by the IRS code and regulation. All donations are not deductible for tax purposes. Operating within those codes and regulations, the Association works to help employers of all sizes understand how decision makers set policy and the positive role organizations and their employees can play in creating sustainable opportunity for jobs and careers.
Q. What Role Do employers play in setting policy?
A. Especially during the emergency declarations most western employers are operating under, it is of primary importance for organizations to have timely data on government orders, regulatory changes, and the emerging issues that are driving these policies. In our active network, the feedback of employers has helped guide our focus on each of the policy issues the Association is currently involved in including tax policy, the California Endangered Species Act, the housing crisis experienced across the west, the current status of emergency orders, and many others.
Q. WHAT is the best way for my organization to start to get involved?
A. Feel free to sign up here for our regular analysis and discussion or to follow us on social media. In addition, our news items are regularly updated with economic analysis and critical economic data.