WSJ: Biden To Quadruple Tariffs On Chinese Electric Vehicles
As California and other states are being encouraged by the Biden Administration to expand their support infrastructure for zero emission vehicles, the Administration is preparing plans to quadruple the tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles according to reporting in the Wall Street Journal.
The move demonstrates the push and pull of implementing zero emission mandates while at the same time relying on zero emissions technology built by competing nations which often more heavily subsidizes ‘green’ trade than the United States.
“Officials are particularly focused on electric vehicles, and they are expected to raise the tariff rate to roughly 100% from 25%, according to the people.”
As California faces a self imposed deadline of 2035 for being net carbon neutral as a state and 2042 as being completely carbon neutral, the trade competition for technology and market share between the United States and China will likely continue to complicate matters for several years to come.
Independent of this trade competition though are a number of zero emission requirements on job producers to transfer their energy use on an increasing basis to electricity and batteries which heavily rely currently on Chinese manufactured goods.
We will continue to report on this emerging story so check back often …
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