Port Of Los Angeles Reports Steady Uptick In April 2024 Container Traffic
Continuing a steady pattern of growth, the Port of Los Angeles reports that April 2024 represented the ninth straight month of growth in container volume with a 12% rise in monthly volume and a 25% total growth rate for the first four months of 2024.
““All our vital operational statistics at the Port of Los Angeles are at or better than pre-COVID levels...””
Even with double digit month over month growth, container traffic in April which topped out over 3,150,841 container or equivalent units, is running 5% ahead of monthly volume for the five year running average which dates back to 2019.
The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach help fuel industries that account of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the Southland and tens of billions in economic activity. The vast majority of the jobs tied directly to the activities of the port, logistics, etc are high paying and career building.
At the Association of Western Employers, we report on traffic at ports across the West and we will continue to keep you up to date on news from the Port of Los Angeles.
The Association of Western Employers is dedicated to helping employers of all types to create career building job opportunities while helping employees develop those careers because every American deserves the opportunity for a great career.