467,000 New American Jobs Created In January 2022 Easily Topping Expectations
Summitting over expectations of 150,000 jobs created, the national Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today that the 467,000 jobs were created in January while December 2021’s previously smaller scale improvement of 199,000 was updated to now show 511,000 openings were filled at the end of the year.
Taken together, nearly 978,000 jobs have been created since December 1, 2021 versus reports and consensus estimates of roughly 349,000 (Source: Marketwatch 2/4/22).
This solid forward progress continues the jobs recovery that resulted in part of the lockdowns initiated in March 2020 as part of the international pandemic response.
Ironically, due to the heating up of the economy, the overall unemployment rate climbed slightly to 4.0% at the end of last month up one small tick from 3.9% in December due to workers reentering the job market who previously were sitting on the sidelines.
In short, employers AND employees shrugged off all negative news and a cold weather throughout the country to produce and fill much needed positions throughout the economy.